Our Miren Kras is not the same any more. The vast forest, surrounding the Monument of Peace in Cerje, was devastated by the fire on 21 August 2019. The flames ravaged our green lungs. Trees stopped suffocating after three days of hard work of firemen from all over Slovenia and also from Italy. Where once the historical paths of peace ran among the tops of pine trees, maples and oaks, charred trunks are now in complete solitude. The bora wind blew around the fire all the way to the stone giant, our Monument of Peace in Cerje, which miraculously remained untouched by the fire. And now we call for help to all who care.
EUR 10.00
The price of planted tree sapling, 50-100 cm in size (with a pole, fertiliser etc.)
A large coniferous evergreen tree with a wide treetop, well tolerant of drought and growing on stony soil. It is bora wind resistant and indispensable in the greening of Karst region. It has always taught us persistence and the ability of surviving in harsh conditions.
EUR 10.00
The price of planted tree sapling, 50-100 cm in size (with a pole, fertiliser etc.)
An autochthonous deciduous tree that grows well on sunny, drained ground. It belongs among noble deciduous trees. Its wide green tops are hospitable to many nesting animals.
EUR 10.00
The price of planted tree sapling, 50-100 cm in size (with a pole, fertiliser etc.)
It is a rapidly growing tree with a strong main root. It is a thermophilic try that grows on dry sites. Oak is a very important type of tree because its wood is usable. The deep roots symbolise the stability of people in the Karst region.
Trees affected by the fire were part of our lives. We were able to breathe more easily due to them. Treetops offered shelter to animals who had lost their home. Today, we donate new saplings to revive the forest that is part of the protection European Natura 2000 network. We are grateful for every sapling purchase or donation for groundwork and the restoration of the dry wall Together, we will set up a Promenade of Gratitude along the path to the Monument of Peace that spreads the message of tolerance and friendship. It will tell the story of people who know how to join forces and do something good for our planet.
Without green forest, Miren Kras is incomplete and our planet is not as healthy as it could be. The community is stronger than an individual, a group of trees stands stronger than just one tree. By supporting the "A tree for Cerje" initiative you have contributed to greening the area of the heavily damaged forest by the fire. The area of Cerje and the Peace Park, which preserve the heritage of Slovenians, will become green again.
The Promenade of Gratitude will tell our story of love for nature and the legacy of our ancestors for many centuries to come. It will strengthen awareness that only together we can overcome the hardest times.
Visit us in Cerje and check how our trees are greening our Promenade of Gratitude step by step.